Are Fragrances Safe to Use? Exploring the Safety of Fragrance Oils in Australia.  - EsscentialCo

Are Fragrances Safe to Use? Exploring the Safety of Fragrance Oils in Australia. 

Fragrances have been a part of human culture for centuries. We use fragrances to make ourselves smell nice, to create a welcoming environment in our homes, and even to promote relaxation and sleep. But with increasing concerns over the safety of synthetic fragrances, many people are asking: are fragrances safe to use? In this blog post, we will explore the safety of fragrance oils in Australia.

What are Fragrance Oils?

Fragrance oils are synthetic or natural compounds that are used to create a scent in products such as perfumes, candles, and air fresheners. They are typically made up of a blend of aroma chemicals and essential oils, and are designed to mimic the scent of natural ingredients such as fruits, flowers, and spices.

Are Fragrances Safe to Use?

The safety of fragrances has been the subject of much debate in recent years. While fragrances have been used for centuries without any apparent harm, some studies have suggested that synthetic fragrances may be harmful to human health.

For example, a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that exposure to fragrances could cause respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Another study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that fragrances could cause headaches, dizziness, and skin irritation in some people.

However, it is important to note that these studies were conducted on a small sample size and did not account for individual differences in sensitivity to fragrances. Additionally, many of the fragrances used in these studies were synthetic fragrances, which may be more likely to cause adverse reactions than natural fragrances.

Regulation of Fragrances in Australia.

In Australia, the use of fragrances is regulated by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). The ACCC requires that all products containing fragrances comply with the Australian Consumer Law, which includes regulations on product safety and labelling.

Additionally, the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) assesses the safety of chemicals used in fragrances and other consumer products. NICNAS has concluded that the use of fragrance oils in consumer products is generally safe, but that some fragrance ingredients may cause skin sensitisation or allergic reactions in some individuals.


While some studies suggest that synthetic fragrances may be harmful to human health, the evidence is not conclusive. Additionally, fragrance oils used in consumer products in Australia are regulated by the ACCC and assessed for safety by NICNAS. As with any product, it is important to use fragrances according to the manufacturer's instructions and to discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur.